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  • Sofiya James
    Sofiya James
    How Beneficial Is Producing Crude Glycerin On A Global Scale?

    Crude glycerin, derived as a by-product of biodiesel production, is a viscous, colourless, and odourless liquid that comprises glycerol and impurities such as fatty acid oil, methanol, water,...  more
    • December 7, 2023
  • Sofiya James
    Sofiya James
    What are the quality standards for Cruide glycerine?

    Crude glycerine, also known as crude glycerol, is a byproduct of biodiesel production. While it is not a final product, there are certain quality standards and specifications that the industry often...  more
    • November 18, 2023
  • Sofiya James
    Sofiya James
    Crude Glycerin Specifications | Amoli International

    A palm Oil based crude glycerin is a dark brown liquid derived from the processing of biodiesel is impure and has little economic value. We at Amoli International offer the best quality crude glycerin...  more
    • December 11, 2022