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  • Sofiya James
    Sofiya James
    Unique Healthy Benefits of Non basmati Rice

    Rich in Essential Nutrients: Non-basmati rice varieties like brown rice and red rice are rich in essential nutrients such as magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, and selenium. These nutrients play crucial roles...  more
    • Jun 20
  • Sofiya James
    Sofiya James
    Export High-Quality IR64 Rice Varieties

    IR64 rice varieties are renowned for their exceptional taste and quality, resulting from meticulous cultivation and processing. Grown in fertile fields, each grain is meticulously inspected to meet rigorous...  more
    • Apr 3
  • Sofiya James
    Sofiya James
    Exploring the Rich Aromas and Textures of IR 64 Rice Varieties

    IR 64 rice varieties offer a delightful sensory experience that appeals to both the palate and the soul. From its captivating aroma to its satisfying texture, every aspect of IR 64 rice will...  more
    • Mar 27