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Tags: #public lighting
Last updated January 24, 2019
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Posted By:
xiu xiu
Jan 25, 2019
Last Updated:
Jan 25, 2019
#public lighting
In India, public lighting(Classic)
accounts for 40% of urban electricity use, while overall lighting is estimated to account for 1.5% of the country's electricity consumption. As one of the world's largest energy consumers, the potential for energy savings from... moreIn India, public lighting(Classic)
accounts for 40% of urban electricity use, while overall lighting is estimated to account for 1.5% of the country's electricity consumption. As one of the world's largest energy consumers, the potential for energy savings from Indian lighting improvements is evident. Increasing the energy efficiency of public lighting will also support other important priorities, including improving the safety and security of pedestrians and vehicles, promoting energy security, and easing local government financial pressures. But for now, these savings have not been developed.
This is the key message for the public lighting conference held in New Delhi from March 19th to 20th, 2014. Sponsored by ESMAP, the conference brought together representatives from more than 20 countries to discuss how India can best take advantage of this huge opportunity, as well as potential lessons from other countries.
The meeting focused on the main obstacles to developing energy-efficient public lighting in developing countries. Participants studied lessons learned from institutional and regulatory frameworks in developed markets, the role of energy service companies (ESCOs), and policy incentives to promote the development of energy efficiency projects.
Dr. Ajay Mathur, Director of the Energy Efficiency Bureau of India, talked about his vision to change all of India's 33 million street lamps into energy-saving LEDs. He believes that this streetlight technology is mature enough to provide better options. He said that although this transformation involves a variety of technical and financial risks, BEE and related organizations are looking for specific solutions, such as performance contracts, and models that make the industry sustainable.
Many participants agreed that if India turned to LED street lights, the benefits would outweigh the risks. Due to its long service life, turning LEDs can reduce the maintenance costs of municipalities by 20-25%.
If you are ready to upgrade to a more efficient lighting system, for more information, please click Led Public lighting less