"First of all, you can't say I missed your point and also say you just skimmed my criticism" Because you'd gone on
Buy Runescape gold a huge pointless tangent, no, I skimmed your response. I read your initial criticism and watched the nonsense all it comprised.
You misread and misinterpret to try to depict any merit in your argument, will not you? Particularly when you start off your paragraph with a statement I really don't find myself very interested in reading your giant wall of text answers as unorganized as they are.
You know what, your comment actually looks interesting to see today, I like that touch. I didn't want to break down your comment too much because you were not responding to others despite some points they created.
Do not seem like you wanted a conversation that you wished to complain. I did not acknowledge anything about the amount of
can tou buy runescape money time you had played on the match. It as an assumption, an assumption as it ends up. I see you haven't spent very long over the game, By reading that. Certainly not enough to"kick a poor habit". You're full of shit, saying that. "I suddenly had much more money to invest on other matches" Piss off.