These Hair Extension Care Tips Will Help Your Last Longer

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These Hair Extension Care Tips Will Help Your Last Longer

Posted By Julia Williams     October 25, 2021    


Taking care of hair extension
Taking care of hair extension

The most effective technique to change your look is to use hair extensions. While extensions are assured to look stunning the moment you leave the salon, how you care for them is crucial to keeping them looking beautiful. It's critical to follow a precise aftercare plan to ensure that your extensions last as long as possible. This is important at all times, but it's especially important if you're unable to keep up with your maintenance appointments as regularly as you'd want.

Here are some simple and quick tips to keep your extensions looking great. Whether you are someone new to the world of extensions or have been using them for a long time. It is a good idea to stick to the best habits for making your locks last longer. But, of course, nothing is more irritating than matted, tangled extensions! So, here are the top suggestions that are well worth your time. 

Wash Your Extensions Correctly

The products you use to manage your hair extension have a significant impact on how they seem. Most drugstore products will ruin your extensions, despite their convenience. Avoid alcohol-based cosmetics at all costs because they can damage and tangle your hair. For the best hair extension care, invest in pH acidic treatments such as mild shampoo and conditioner. If you're feeling overwhelmed by the options, ask your stylist for product recommendations. When washing your hair extensions of any kind, from straight to curly hair extension, be sure to concentrate your shampoo on the roots to eliminate excess oil and your conditioner on the ends to nourish them. If you use conditioner near your roots, the extensions may begin to slide down your hair, reducing their lifespan. Also, instead of using scalding hot water, consider using warm water, as this will deplete the natural oils from your hair and scalp.

  1. Never Sleep With Wet Extensions

Avoid sleeping with wet hair
                                   Avoid sleeping with wet hair

Although it may be tempting to retire to your bed, do not do so with your hair slightly moist. We cannot focus on how important it is to dry your locks before going to bed completely. Take care of your kinky curly human hair extensions, a rule of thumb is to never sleep with wet hair.

Since your hair is at its weakest when wet, tossing and turning while you sleep can cause damage to your extensions. It also means you'll have a terrible bedhead when you wake up in the morning, forcing you to spend what seems like an eternity detangling. Even if you take extra care to brush out knots, you'll be exerting a lot of pressure on the ties, pulling at your scalp, and loosening knots.

Brush Hair Extensions With Care

Brush extensions gently
                                             Brush extensions gently

Your extensions will inevitably tangle, but how you deal with it is what matters. Invest in a good brush first, and then brush your hair in the order beginning at the ends and working your way up. This procedure puts the least amount of stress on your hair extension and scalp, allowing them to stay healthy. When it comes to brushing frequency, the more, the better as long as you are gentle. If you want a specific tip, do it first thing in the morning, before you go to bed, before you wash, and after you wash.

Separate The Bonds Daily

It would be best if you made every effort to separate your bonds daily. While this may appear to be a time-consuming and laborious task, it only takes a few minutes and will take even less time if done daily. You won't need any tools for this; feel each tie with your fingers to ensure none have been knotted. If they have, carefully separate them — you may need to use a small brush or comb for this. You can prevent the kinky curly hair extension from becoming matted against any loose or shedding hair by ensuring that bonds are always separated.

Avoid Tangling While You Sleep

Braid hair and sleep
                                             Braid hair and sleep

Although there is no way to prevent you from tossing and turning all night, there are a few simple steps you can do to avoid waking up to a bird's nest of hair the next morning. You won't have to put as much pressure on your roots and extension bonds while brushing them out if you keep knotting to a minimum. Before going to bed, one of the greatest ways to keep your extensions under control is to tie them back very loosely. Putting your hair in a low ponytail with a silk scrunchie or spiral hairband is ideal for an easy and quick option. A loose French braid, while it may take some practice, is a wonderful way to avoid tangling, and, even better, you'll wake up with magnificent beach waves.


Nothing beats seeing your new locks for the first time after having extensions installed, but they won't last as long as you'd anticipated if you don't take proper care of them. Your hair will stay immaculate for months if you include the above procedures into your regimen and schedule monthly maintenance appointments. Flaunt gorgeous healthy looking curly human hair headband wigs and extensions without any doubt and slay them like never before
