Although the process seems a bit rushing and crazy, we will usher in the end of the battle of Azeroth in the near future. The next big expansion in the history of World of Warcraft will be filled with betrayal, genocide, and bosses in the most difficult raids. Of course, it also includes the popular player who is out of Blizzard's surprise - Zekhan.
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Zekhan made his debut in the trailer for the Battle of Azeroth in World of Warcraft. In the Siege of Lordaeron, he is responsible for providing moral and magical support for Varok Saurfang. At that time Blizzard had not announced the name of this young troll, and he became a celebrity because of the use of impressive lightning attack spells in CG animation. A large number of players became his fans and nicknamed him Zappyboi. Interestingly, Blizzard gradually realized this and added some easter eggs to his voice, making him self-conscious like the Dead Pool.
As the user named Icy Veins discovered, when you find him and talk to him at the new spot near Orc city of Orgrimmar, he will shout out a lot of new voices. Some of them are ordinary greetings and different other pleasantries, but one voice is like this: "the other trolls say I become something called a me-me. Can anybody tell me what dat means?" This is fun, isn't it?
His pronunciation is not very standard, but it is obvious that this is the Easter egg that Blizzard added to enhance the fun of interaction. In addition to this sentence, you can hear another similar sentence: "Me don’t steal scenes on purpose, man, de loa just made me dat way."
Blizzard said that after the animation of the Battle of Azeroth, Zekhan's popularity surprised them. He is undoubtedly one of the most outstanding young people in the Horde faction. Although he is still fighting as a defender on the front line of the Siege of Lordaeron, he has a great chance of surviving. For one thing, he’s become an ever-increasing presence in some pretty important cutscenes, but more importantly, I’m not sure the community would forgive the devs if he was somehow written out.
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