Identification of colour of gas cylinders
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حصة الاجتماعي

Identification of colour of gas cylinders

منشور من طرف medical gas supplier     ١٢ أغسطس، ٢٠٢٢    


Gases and their mixtures are identified according to the general standard. A special identification is required for the most common gases for industrial and medical applications and for inhaling gas mixtures.


The standard includes a colour-coded identification system for gas cylinders that provides further information on the characteristics of the gas contained in the cylinder (toxic, combustible, oxidizing, inert). These colours are easily recognizable even at great distances when the sticker is not yet legible. The binding identification of the contained gas takes place via the hazardous substances adhesive label.


Except for medical gases, the identification colour according to the standard is only provided for the cylinder shoulder. In this case, the cylindrical part is white.


In the Victor Oxygen Regulator for inhalation containing less than 1,000 ppm (V / V) NO (nitrogen monoxide) nitrogen, the cylinder shoulder is identified with a special colour, turquoise blue.


Components of gas mixtures

The two main components of gas mixtures can be identified with a marking ring on the shoulder. Instead, the identification required by DIN through quadrants on the shoulder is waived.


The colour of the cylindrical jacket of the cylinder is not foreseen by the standard (except for medical gases). To facilitate the possible attribution to the main uses beyond medical gases, the associated companies for Industrial Gases have agreed on the following colour.


The sticker on the gas cylinder contains all important information relating to the properties of the gas contained in the cylinder. In case two-colour coding is required, it is recommended that they be applied in overlapping circular segments.  However, the standard also allows their arrangement in alternating quadrants.


For mixtures, the standard allows you to choose between the colouring according to the type of risk and the one with the two colours that identify the main components. Medical Gas Services recommends to its associates the following colouring:

  • black and white medical air
  • black and white medicinal synthetic air (containing 20% ​​and 23.5% O 2 )
  • Bright green oxygen and nitrogen (O 2 <20%)
  • Oxygen and light blue nitrogen (O 2 > 23.5%)
  • white and gray oxygen and carbon dioxide
  • oxygen and white and blue nitrous oxide



The main function of the Medical Gas Flowmeter in the medical center's oxygen supply system is to deliver oxygen inhalation to medical units and hypoxic patients. It protects patients and is incredibly safe and comfortable. The pollutants in the oxygen are eliminated using special filtration and dehumidification, which increases patient comfort and safety when breathing it in.


Oxygen Inhaler Operating Principle

The oxygen inhaler reduces the high-pressure gas in the cylinder to low-pressure oxygen, which is sucked in by the spring piston. For oxygen decompression: the oxygen used to rescue critical patients in hospitals of various scales. Adjust variable inlet pressure to stable outlet pressure as much as possible.


Medical Oxygen Regulator and maintenance personnel with the following benefits: Maintenance technicians - easy identification and location of oxygen cylinders that need to be refilled. Medical staff - a way to avoid critical medical accidents caused by low oxygen pressure in cylinders without early warning.





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