Heat pumps are an essential part of most people’s furnaces. But like any other appliance, they can break down, and malfunctions can occur. But that’s why knowing what to look for is so important.
Many issues that heat pumps experience are easily repairable and don’t require more than calling your heat pump repair company. But the best thing you can do is call someone immediately so little problems don’t become big problems. So let’s look at how you can spot a broken heat pump and what this problem might mean.
Weird noises
If you notice strange noises coming from your heat pump, you may have a problem. Here are some noises you’ll want to watch out for:
If you hear a buzzing sound come from your heat pump or unit that houses the heat pump, you could have a refrigerant leak. This can be quite dangerous if your pump is located in your house. The refrigerant can be toxic for anyone inside the home and needs to be fixed immediately.
If you notice a banging sound coming from your heat pump, you’ll want to turn off your system immediately. This probably means that your fan is hitting another part of your system. You don’t want to leave this running, as your fan could eventually crack or break.
If your system begins making a grinding noise, this might mean that your motor bearings are dirty. While this isn’t dangerous, you should call a technician to repair this problem. If you ignore the problem and keep your heat pump on, it could become a very costly repair.
Bad smells
Now that we’re passed the weird noises, it’s time to move on to strange smells that your heat pump might make.
# Fish: If there is a fishy smell coming from your heat pump, this could be related to a wiring or mechanical issue. It could mean that your motor is overheating.
# Vinegar: If you notice this smell, it probably means that your heat pump has an electrical problem and needs to be repaired.
Spike in energy costs
If you noticed your energy bills and raised substantially, this could signify an issue with your heat pump. If something is wrong with it and it cannot run efficiently, then it will begin using more and more electricity. If you notice your bills have jumped in price, it might be time to contact your local HVAC repair company.