Over a decade after Diablo 2. the next entry Diablo 3 was released. It is the return of players to the sanctuary of Sanctuary just twenty years on from the events in Diablo 2 and its expansion. Deckard Cain, an eminent NPC from the Diablo series who guides players and
Diablo 4 Gold guides them through their adventures, is back. He explores Tristram Cathedral in search of answers about a prophecy . Before that, an exploding star hits the building and creates an enormous crater within which Deckard disappears. After investigating the crater and saving Deckard, players find the Archangel Tyrael and assist the saint to regain his memories lost.
Appalled by the apathy of his fellow angels to humanity's problems and the scourge of demons in Sanctuary The Tyrael has decided to die to help warn humans about the arrival to the Demon Lords. Players must take on the demonic forces and search out this Black Soulstone, which has the power to imprison in the souls all seven of the Lords of Hell. But the player and his companions are betrayed as the Black Soulstone is used instead to revive Diablo with Leah - Deckard's ward - as his vehicle. Diablo now is a savior with all the souls of The Lords of Hell in his body and begins his assault on and against the High Heavens. Diablo defeats himself and Tyrael stays in the High Heavens, determined to build a stronger connection between them and the mortal realm.
Within the expanded pack Reaper of Souls, Tyrael finds his Black Soulstone and attempts to secure it in Sanctuary. However, just before he can do that escape, he is slain by Malthael who was once an Archangel of Wisdom who has become Malthael, the Angel of Death, in which his Black Soulstone is stolen. Malthael will do anything to destroy humanity, believing that they could be demons because of their ancestral roots as offspring of both angels and demons. He eventually shatters his Black Soulstone and absorbs the power of the Seven Evils prior to being smashed by the player. He then frees the Seven Evils for the last time.
With the launch of the next Diablo game coming up The players are eager to see how the series can continue the plot. Diablo is sure to have a role in the story, even if it's just through another character seeking to bring him back. However, from the impressive movie trailer that was released on the eve of Diablo 4. it's clear that Lilith is going to be the primary protagonist of the new title. While she has technically appeared in an earlier Diablo game before it, this appears to be an update for the Daughter of Hatred and Creator of Sanctuary.
This ongoing Eternal Conflict - the war between the High Heavens and the Burning Hells - has taken an enormous toll on the forces of both angels as well as demons. Additionally, it has having an impact on the mortal realm of Sanctuary. Diablo 4 will take on the power vacuum that the conflict has created, and the newly revived Lilith is sure to take advantage of it, particularly in light of the Seven Evils now scattered into the air. She's a significant character in Diablo legend, even if her presence in the earlier games has been very minimal and
cheap Diablo IV Gold fans are eager to be able to see the daughter of Mephisto in action.