NWN2 Astral Diamonds Two add-ons (Storm of Zehir Mask of the Betrayer) are already expanding the two-and-a-half-year-old role-playing game Neverwinter Nights 2 and now the "Adventure Package" Mysteries of Westgate is delayed. In contrast to the full-fledged expansions the 10-euro snack does not contain any new game content but only tells its own story similar to the premium modules for the first Neverwinter Nights.
Sell NWN2 Astral Diamonds First let’s look at the positives. Neverwinter Nights absolutely deserves the praise it got back in the day and at its core many of the factors that contributed to that praise are still here. The writing is brilliant and genuinely amusing at times the soundtrack is brilliant and the environments – though clearly showing their age now – still do a good job of getting across the idea that this is a living breathing world. This is classic BioWare from the days before dodgy alternative endings and grindy Destiny rivals.
Obsidian Entertainment's Dungeons and Dragons RPG Neverwinter Nights 2 was given new life today by Steam. The game was re-released digitally as part of a Platinum Edition bundle.The Platinum Edition includes NWN2 as well as its two expansion packs Mask of the Betrayer and Storm of Zehir. Mask is a high-level adventure that continues the storyline of the base game while Zehir is a standalone plot with fresh characters. Note that NWN2 also has a toolset so you can create solo or multiplayer adventures of your own.