Writing obituaries in Penticton often comes with a myriad of challenges. But you don’t need to be an expert writer to be able to come up with a meaningful obituary for your deceased loved one.
If you are struggling with the writing of Penticton obituaries, here are a few tips that might help:
1. Know what information you need to include and gather them
What sort of information should you include in the obituaries in Penticton? You can take a look at the other Penticton obituaries from funeral homes like Everden Rust to get an idea of what information to include. You don’t need to add complete details – just the pertinent information that you know others will want to know. That can include the name of the deceased, age at the time of date, date of birth and death, names of surviving family members, career, passions, and hobbies.
If you don’t know all the details, don’t hesitate to reach out to those who do. You can interview them to collect information about the deceased. It also helps to collect information that only other people know. There might be stories about the deceased you haven’t heard of before.
2. Highlight the good things that happened in the life of the deceased
The obituary should primarily be a tribute to the deceased. So even if the cause of death was a tragic one, try to focus on the good things that happened in the life of the deceased. You can talk about the passions and hobbies of the deceased as well as the good deeds that he or she has done. Talk about the contributions of the deceased to the family or the society. Focusing on the positive can help grieving loved ones remember the good things.
3. Follow a structure
Following a structure will allow you to be more organized in your thoughts. This will make it easier to know what else needs to be included.
The obituary should have an introduction. Use this to include pertinent details about the deceased. That includes the name, age, and date of birth, address, and the names of the surviving family members.
The next part should talk about the life of the deceased. You can talk about what the deceased did for a living, his or her hobbies and interests as well as contributions to the society.
You can then proceed to share memories about the deceased. Talk about memories that have left a big impact on your life or the lives of the people who experienced them.
4. Be sincere and genuine
You shouldn’t be forced to make it sound funny. As long as you are sincere and the obituary was written from the heart, it should be a meaningful one.
Everden Rust can help you in posting your obituary. With their help, funeral planning can be less stressful.