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To show the real oil drilling production site and train students with relevant knowledge and skills, a comprehensive 3D drilling and well control simulator was developed, which completely reproduces the scene and working atmosphere of oil drilling work and improves students' perceptual knowledge of the drilling work site.
Top Drive Simulator For Drilling And Well Control
The top drive simulation training system's objective is to train the top drive device's operation. It may provide training for all top drive operations as well as common accident response. It can be used to train drillers, driller assistants, technicians, and drilling team leaders, among others. By practicing with the top driver simulator, trainees can grasp the top drive operation approach as well as common accident handling skills.
Simulating the real system completely
3D animation display
Feature for preventing accidents
Step-by-Step Mode of Operation
Sound effect that is realistic
Automatic scoring system
Student data administration
Drilling Simulation Training System For Drilling And Well Control
The drilling simulation training system mimics real-world equipment on a real-world production site, including all hardware systems, panel layout, operating methods, and parameter displays.
Nonsequence drilling operation mode.
Advanced and exact physical-mathematical mode.
Developing a training snapshot based on actual well conditions.
Adaptability and systematic training content.
Real-world device operation environment at full size.
Intelligent scoring, 3D fairness, and interactive animation are all available.
Interface that is simple to use.
Sound effects that are realistic and an alarm system.
High stability and dependability in controlling industrial PLCs.
Real-time voice prompting
Land Rig Installation Simulator For Drilling And Well Control
The simulator for land rig installation integrates petroleum engineering, computer technology, and virtual reality technologies. This system consists of five primary components: rig installation animation, instruction on raising and lowering derrick and pedestal, rig virtual assembly, rig simulation operation, and electronic graphics.
It teaches the procedure and essential points of installing a land rig, as well as the lifting and lowering of the rig derrick and pedestal, rig tripping in and out, drilling, top drive operation, rig construction, the inner structure of vital equipment, and so on.
HD animation of the rig assembly method
Interaction with the rig model in real time, as well as 3D animation demonstration
Detailed electronic visuals illustrating the rig's construction
Simulating a real rig and carrying out the same tasks as real equipment
3D animation that mimics the visual surroundings of the real world