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  • Sofiya James
    Sofiya James
    Indian Non-Basmati Rice Traders Unveil the Secrets of 25% Broken Long Grain Rice

    Indian non-basmati rice traders are key players in sourcing, trading, and distributing this particular variety. In this blog post, we'll delve into the secrets of 25%...  more
    • November 22, 2023
  • Sofiya James
    Sofiya James
    A Palette of Flavors: Non-Basmati Rice and Its Culinary Versatility

    The Indian IR 64 parboiled rice retains more nutrients compared to traditional milled rice, making it a wholesome choice for health-conscious individuals. These rice varieties are...  more
    • November 6, 2023
  • Sofiya James
    Sofiya James
    How Indian Rice Is Dominating the World’s Food Industry

    India's vast fertile lands, industrious farmers, and unwavering commitment to meeting global rice demand have secured its prominent role in the global rice trade. This dominance is set to surge,...  more
    • October 6, 2023
  • Sofiya James
    Sofiya James
    What is the Difference Between Parboiled and Basmati Rice?

    Parboiled rice and basmati rice are two popular types of rice that are commonly used in Indian and Middle Eastern cuisine. While both types of rice have their own unique characteristics and...  more
    • May 29, 2023
  • Sofiya James
    Sofiya James
    Nutritional Facts and Health Benefits of Rice

    Rice is a staple food rich in carbohydrates and low in fat. It provides essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Indian non-basmati rice traders offer a variety of options for consumers,...  more
    • May 15, 2023