A facade cleaning cradle is an important platform that is needed while constructing, renovating, painting, repairing or cleaning a building. This type of platform is necessary to access an elevated site over the ground that cannot otherwise be accessed easily. Here are some types of protection that must be used by workers while operating on this type of cradle.
Suspension equipment
These can allow workers to stay suspended and work at a height easily. Used by building cleaners, painters and window washers, these can allow window washers to work hands-free along a vertical surface and stay hung while operating at an elevation. However, this is more of a piece of equipment rather than a fall arrest system. You would require harnesses and other systems to ensure worker safety on a suspension platform.
Body harness and anchorages
These are essential on a temporary suspended platform, and are designed to stop or check the fall of a worker from a gondola or cradle where he has to work on. These happen to be personalfall protection systems that comprise of a blend of different components. Some systems have a safety lock that activate as soon as a threat of fall is sensed.
Retrieval System
It is a part of OSHA safetyplan in many businesses, and happens to be an integral aspect of any fall protection plan. This kind of system helps retrieve any worker who has fallen down, without any risk of injuries to workers below or rescuers who rush to retrieve the worker.