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Will there be a Final Fantasy XIV sequel?
On Gamescom this week, the German website Spieletipps talked with Final Fantasy XIV producer and director Yoshida Naoki and the game's main story writer Banri Oda. They asked them several topics, including the owners of Xbox One who could expect to see MMOs on their platforms, but they also asked about the possibility of the Final Fantasy XIV sequel.
Developers have confirmed that Square Enix currently has no plans to launch another Final Fantasy MMO game. The publisher fully supports Final Fantasy XIV and plans to continue to provide story and Final Fantasy 14 Gil task updates for a long time to come. This may mean that Final Fantasy XIV will be ported to PS5 and Xbox Scarlett via a normal port or backward compatibility.
Why is there no plan for the Final Fantasy XIV sequel?
Square Enix does not currently consider other Final Fantasy MMOs, which may have many reasons. Most notably, Final Fantasy XIV is still very popular, and not all players want to give up new games. MMOs typically have a long life, such as DC Universe Online, which was launched at a similar time to Final Fantasy XIV, and only received the Switch port this month. If FFXIV does not show any decline in popularity, there is currently little need for a sequel.