What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, and the same could be said of what happens in WhatsApp groups! Growing in popularity and involving more and more users, WhatsApp groups are gaining ground .
Recently, a controversy arose over some prankster users changing the names of the groups to which they belonged with clear reference to acts that were illegal or with which there had to be zero tolerance. The result: WhatsApp automatically blocked the group and kicked all of its members from the app .
How to avoid this? Today we show you, in a simple way, how to prevent other users from changing the names of our groups to cause us problems.
How to prevent other users from changing the
WhatsApp group nameWhatsApp provides a simple tool for group admins so that the whatsapp group name cannot be changed without their permission . Or rather, this can only be changed by the administrator. The process is quite simple:
- Access the group that you created or of which you are an administrator .
- Click on the name or on the three vertical buttons then on Group Info .
- Access to group settings .
- Click on Edit group information .
- Change the option by selecting Admins only .
BONUS: How to prevent people from adding you to WhatsApp groups without your permission?
You might have encountered this problem several times: Group admins can add you to their WhatsApp groups without your permission . In fact, anyone can add you to their WhatsApp group without asking for your permission.
Although you have an option to leave a WhatsApp group whenever you want , group admins can add you back to their groups and it can get very annoying. Because you do not receive any authorization or confirmation invitation , you cannot decline group requests.
You can now select who can add you to groups in WhatsApp by doing the following:
- Open WhatsApp on your mobile phone, tap on the 3 vertical dots menu present in the upper right corner and select the Settings option .
- Now tap on Account > Privacy option .
- Scroll down and you will see the Groups option . This is the new option that allows users to decide who can add them to groups in WhatsApp .
- You will now have the following 3 options to select: Everyone / My contacts / My contacts except…
By default, the option is set to Everyone , which means anyone can add you to groups without your permission . By selecting the My contacts option , only people in your contact list can add you to their groups .
Group admins will now need to invite you to join their groups by inviting you privately .