What is Cenforce 200? Cenforce 200 is among the highest dosages you can take with this brand that features the generic ingredient Sildenafil Citrate.
Cenforce 200 is a medication that allows your p*nis to get harder by promoting harder erections. This is a pill that you take to treat erectile dysfunction or erectile dysfunction. The use of Cenforce is a temporary way to induce hardened erections through the actions of Sildenafil Citrate acting on you.
Remember that if you are using Cenforce 200mg tablets or any other dosage, it is always a good idea to consult your doctor first to avoid the risk of contraindications and serious side effects.
About Cenforce 200 Cenforce is an erection inducing pill that allows for harder erections of the p*nis, allowing you to restore the penetrative powers of the p*nis. Cenforce 200mg is a pill that can help you get harder p*nile erections.
The pills contain a substance that inhibits the dominant PDE-5 hormone in them, which is Sildenafil Citrate, which fuels increased blood flow through the p*nile tissues to increase p*nile erections.