Varicose and spider veins are common among both men and women. However few are aware the cause or underlying features of vein disease.
Varicose Vein CausesMost commonly,
vein disease is seen to be hereditary in nature. In fact, its typical to see a long lineage of spider veins and varicose veins on either the maternal or paternal side. If both parents have vein disease, the affliction rate can be up to 90%.
What Does That Mean?Having a predisposition to varicose veins is not the end of the world. Most patients are often asymptomatic and no treatment is warranted. However, we encourage patients with signs of vein disease and hereditary predisposition to seek expert opinions early.
What Are Symptoms Of Vein Disease?HASTI is a common tool utilized by vein doctors to identify symptomatic vein disease. HASTI refers to symptoms of:
- H: Heaviness
- A: Aching
- S: Swelling
- T: Throbbing
- I: Itching
HASTI can be graded for each component on a scale of 1-5 for a total score of 25. The score is determined by a
Westchester vein specialist clinic and assigns points to the presence of each symptoms and to what degree it bothers patients on a daily basis. A higher score is consistent with greater affect on Quality of Life.
Symptom ReliefHealthy lifestyle choices, proper weight management and exercise are the cornerstone of effective, early treatment
Additional measures include avoiding tobacco use, identifying any hormonal influences, and reducing sedentary lifestyles
Medications:There are no well-studied options for the treatment of vein disease. In some instances, horse chestnut and Diosmin have been associated with improved parameters related to vein disease. Diosmin is particularly interesting for its anti-inflammatory action and can be used in treatment of ulcers, swelling, and leg pain. However this should be managed in conjunction with an assessment by a vein specialist.
Do Compression Stockings Help Varicose Veins?Compression stockings are recommended for visible varicose veins especially in the presence of symptoms. Venous insufficiency results from the failure of one-way valves in your leg veins and allow blood to leak backward. As a result, blood pools in the lower legs and dilates the veins to cause symptomatic vein disease.
Compression stockings alleviate the pooling of blood in the legs by providing external compression to the superficial veins. The external pressure improves blood flow by compressing refluxing veins and redistributing flow to the healthier parts of your venous system. The benefits can include reduction in swelling, pain, and inflammation.
Compression stockings should be properly sized and fitted for effective function. An
Ardsley vein treatment center will make several measurements along your leg for proper fitting. Additionally, a compression gradient will be advised depending on the nature of the vein condition.
Compression stockings are not a complete cure for varicose veins, however should be tried early for symptomatic relief and preventing progression of disease. However, there isn’t sufficient evidence to suggest that they’re an effective treatment on their own. And while managing the symptomatic pain is crucial to those suffering from venous reflux, it’s important to always seek the advice of a vein specialist for a vein treatment plan tailored to your own needs.