StayCloze to Family;Tree with many Branches but One Root!
    • Última actualización 6 de mayo de 2022
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StayCloze to Family;Tree with many Branches but One Root!

Publicado por staycloze Cloze     6 de mayo de 2022    


Family is the backbone of a person’s fundamental development. It is the very first learning ground from where we originate and evolve into a responsible member of the society.

India among some other countries is known to have high family values and traditional principles. We have been practising the age old tradition of living in extended families since the dawn of civilization. Big, joint families are the roots of a person’s character foundation and imparts huge role in one’s flow of upbringing.

However, in the past few decades, the concept of joint families has seemed to be diminished and limited to only a few rural families. The major contributing factor for this implies towards the sudden explosion of nuclear families.


StayCloze to Family;Tree with many Branches but One Root! StayCloze to Family;Tree with many Branches but One Root!


It all can be interlinked by a chain of subsequent events that follows as:


Extended family => Urge of being self-dependent and having ones’ own identity => Moving out due to career/ study/ financial needs => Getting accustomed to economic mobility and independence => Nuclear family

Growing Trend of Nuclear Families

Nuclear family members are accustomed to a lifestyle of high mobility. With modernization came possibilities of changes which require getting out of conventional settings and being more adaptable. In simple words, the desire and need for better circumstances drove joint families to split up into nuclear.

Nuclear families are now considered to be the idealistic lifestyle for new generations. Nobody’s at fault for such perceptions since it’s true in many ways.

The modern trend of having only 4 or less members in a family supports the academic and career goals of younger generations but in actuality defies the very purpose of familyhood and kinship.

How is it affecting Familyhood?

Moving out of a well bonded family environment affects the upcoming generations in their relationship intensity, emotional connection, knowledge of relations and top of all traditional family values.


As a result, there is an ever growing gap forming between the elders and younglings of a family. Nuclear families can be considered to be less connected with their extended family members and this directly shows impact on the newer generations being completely oblivious of their long distanced relatives.

If the trend continues with no potential fix, the day won’t be too far when there will be absolutely no connection between two members of the same family.

What can & should be done?

As per an unsaid rule, the responsibility to make timely amends always befalls on the shoulder of the members of the present generation or whosoever that acknowledges the seriousness of the matter.

Why it can’t be you? If you’re reading this blog, then it is definitely you!

How you ask?

Let me interest you with a suggestion for restoring the missing link that gels well with this modern issue.



StayCloze to Family;Tree with many Branches but One Root! StayCloze to Family;Tree with many Branches but One Root!


StayCloze as the Key Link

Modern problems need modern solutions!

Nuclear family is certainly not the problem here! The adopted secluded lifestyle is.

Being nuclear definitely doesn’t mean that you should stay away from your kins.

Stay close to your family members with StayCloze! The made in India App that facilitates simplified Best Social Media Apps In India experience for all your family members, no matter how far they are!


StayCloze is the product of our continuous endeavour to reduce the growing gap between families and friends due to imperative circumstances.

StayCloze interlinks the extended members of a family via easily customizable feature called Family Tree. It is designed to help you reconnect with your family roots and understand the long lost relations.

Go ahead and tag your folks on family forums, categorised as blood relatives, close and distance relatives and strengthen family bond by sharing fun nostalgic memories.

Share as many as pictures you want and stay connected to your loved ones!

Remember, when nothing else stays, family always stands with you!

Read More:- Best Private Chat Apps


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