Fungicide is an organic pesticide used to control fungal diseases on plants. Find out more about its benefits and drawbacks. Fungicides are pesticides used to protect crops from disease or pests. They are also used as a way to prevent crop damage caused by insects.
Pesticides are chemicals that kill insects, weeds, fungi, bacteria, and other pests. They can be used to protect crops from damage caused by these unwanted organisms. Pesticides are usually applied to the surface of the plant, but they may also be sprayed onto the leaves, stems, flowers, and seeds.
Herbicide is an organic herbicide used to kill weeds. It is also called weed killer or weedkiller. They are usually applied to crops before they are planted. They are often used on lawns, gardens, and other areas where grasses grow. Learn more about them!
Insecticides are agriculturally-active biochemicals used against insects. They are intended to protect plants from destruction by insects. best agrolife is the best agrochemical company in India and we produce the best insecticides chemical for farming at an affordable price