Overbite is one of the most common oral issues recently. It is a wide gap between the upper and below teeth. A typical bite measures one to two mm, and the front teeth should meet the lower teeth adequately. If the gap becomes more prominent, known as a severe overbite.
Overbite is also referred to as malocclusion. Patients' upper teeth do not meet with the lower ones in this condition due to protrusion. Moreover, if the front teeth overlap the bottom one, it clearly indicates that they have an overbite.
Overbite can be classified based on the complexities and the treatments involved in it. Therefore, orthodontists have a unique treatment plan to deal with the situation safely and swiftly.so, book an appointment with an experienced orthodontist North Miami and get the treatment in time.
There are mainly two types of overbites, including dental and skeletal.
Skeletal Overbite is a dental condition in which the lower jaw is smaller than the upper jaw that keeps pushing the teeth in the upper row.
Dental Overbite is a condition in which the upper jaw won't align with your lower jaw properly. Maybe the reason is poor alignment of teeth that pushed the bottom jaw back, ending in an overbite.
Dental braces are an excellent solution for crooked and misaligned teeth but can also treat overbite issues. The treatment process may complete in the following steps, including;
Compare the Overbite before and after braces results, and you will witness a huge difference.
Invisalign is an excellent alternative to braces, especially for people who feel discomfort with conventional braces. They involve a sequence of clear trays that gradually molds the patient's teeth to shift them into their proper position. Your orthodontist may replace the trays over time, and this process continues until you won't get healthy teeth & smile. However, Invisalign is more costly than traditional braces; people still prefer them due to less visibility and less time in overbite correction.
If you have a misaligned jaw bone, it may end in Overbite, requiring surgery to get a flawless smile. Overbite surgery is perfect for adults, but children may not need it as they are still growing.
Generally, dentists recommend tooth extractions when the person has overcrowded teeth. They eliminate single or multiple teeth to accommodate the remaining teeth and move them into the proper position. Once the teeth start reaching their normal position, the jaw automatically aligns.
If you are suffering from bite issues, book an appointment with your orthodontist and get a precise diagnosis and treatment. You can also demand Overbite before and after images to take the decision.
Article Source : https://www.healthandhealthytips.com/what-is-the-best-method-to-fix-overbite/