Instagram provides a fun way to share your life and interests with others, but you may not realize that it can also serve as an important tool for promoting your business. Many big businesses maintain Instagram accounts simply because there is just too much potential on social media to simply ignore it.
Deciding whether to make a business account for Instagram needs to be something to consider carefully. Once you’ve created a business account, you’re going to want to stick with it for the long term, so this isn’t something to take lightly if you plan to be successful.
One of the main benefits of having separate personal and business Instagram accounts is that it creates a line between your personal views and your business’ views. Remember that people often connect business owners and their businesses online, so the Instagram post you want to make about a controversial topic may not sit well on a business account.
When you have these accounts separate, you can maintain your account and only post-business-related items on your business account. This helps to keep your personal life separate from your business ventures.
Another benefit to having a business account on Instagram is that you don’t have to be the only one to maintain it. Since posts are being made under the business’ name, you can have employees or even friends of the business make posts for you. If you need an Amazon advertising guide, visit this website.
Want to promote your latest Amazon advertising guide for your marketing company but don’t have time? Get one of your employees to handle it for you! Once your Amazon advertising guide post is live, you can always go back later to work through follower comments and maintain ownership of the post.
If you do decide to make a business account on Instagram, make sure you double-check which account you’re signed into before posting. There have been several notable mishaps over the years during which people have posted from a business account thinking it was their account.
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