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A range of medical disorders, such as arthritis, cancer, diabetes, dyspareunia, tiredness, and high blood pressure, have been linked to decreased libido in women.
Conditions affecting the heart and the nervous system
Relationship difficulties due to incompatibility. Using SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) to treat mental illness
If you are dealing with high stress levels, low self-esteem, or past experiences of physical or sexual violence, all of which are often the root causes of difficulties like a diminished sexual desire, it is important to discuss the impact your symptoms are having on your life with your doctor and what you can do to address those concerns.
Talk to your doctor about your concerns that you may be developing HSDD by bringing up some of the most commonly mentioned symptoms. The following issues are commonly experienced by those who suffer from hypoactive sexual drive disorder: dissatisfaction with one's existing degree of sexual apathy; worry or anxiety about one's lack of want; poor sexual desire regardless of number or type of sexual interaction.
When Low Fertility Is Causing Concern, Take Action Now!
Your existing level of sex satisfaction and desire should be reevaluated in light of the necessity to see a doctor. When a woman experiences pain or discomfort while having sex, has an abnormal discharge, or experiences abnormal bleeding, she should seek medical attention. Don't hesitate to call 911 if you fear you're in danger.
We are here to listen and provide assistance whenever you may have a concern or question about your health.
For severe cases, such cancer, it may be required to treat the underlying cause of reduced libido by behavioural, interventional, or surgical treatments. It's likely that your doctor's recommendations will be tailored to your individual needs and symptoms.
The best course of action for anyone with HSDD is to discuss treatment options with their physician. The decision to prescribe any medicine, including those like Addyi that have been approved by the FDA for the treatment of HSDD, is complex and should only be made after contacting a medical professional.
Whether you have low sex desire or other symptoms that are diagnostic of HSDD, Advanced Gynecology is here to help you seek counsel about your disease if you are ready to do so.
Sildenafil Citrate is the main active ingredient of cenforce 150, an allopathic medicine.
Each bottle contains ten 150mg pills. The principal applications of the medicine are in the areas of erectile dysfunction (ED) prevention and treatment in males.
Erectile dysfunction (ED) and pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) have pharmaceutical treatments and preventatives available, respectively, in the form of Fildena 100. (PAH).
Women's health is a specialty we have experts in here, and they will assist you sort through the possibilities and make personalised suggestions for.