Diablo 4’s story content is perfect for
Diablo IV Gold lore enthusiasts and side content is ideal for those wanting more variety in their gameplay. While PvE content is what some players are after, PvP is where it’s at for others wanting to truly test their ability. Facing off against the AI is one thing, but going toe-to-toe with real-life users is an unmistakable thrill like no other.
Many players solely channel their build and efforts into maximizing their PvP performance. This is why Blizzard’s RPG looter has come under fire from fans. With many players now having finished the game or getting close, they feel PvP needs some serious changes to become competitive.
Diablo 4 endgame PvP has a glaring huge oversight
Reddit user DyingEyesLookAlive is asking the devs to “Please change PvP to get level 90+ players out of low WT.”
If you don’t know what this means, players who are much higher levels and have completed the game a couple of times or more are being matched against lower-leveled players who are relatively inexperienced in comparison – leading to unfair matchups.
They explained: “There is no reason why a level 94 should be allowed to sit in World Tier 1-2-3 PvP and run the place. It literally creates dead content on arrival. Having fun with the game, but this is a sh*t-tier oversight.”
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Their opinion was also backed up by several Diablo 4 users. “I’m pretty sure they explicitly said they don’t care how unfair PvP is,” added one user, and another commented that they “tried extracting about 10 times and every time someone 30+ levels higher comes and kills me, what’s the point?”
Interestingly, one popular solution suggested that Diablo 4 follows in the footsteps of Elden Ring – another action game renowned for its PvP gameplay.
“PvP grouping should be done the way Elden Ring does it, if you are a certain level, you automatically get places in that PvP range for any matching algorithm. So the PvP area should be agnostic to World Tier selection and just have 4-5 grouping categories.”
There’s been a ton of activity where Diablo 4’s PvP is concerned, as highlighted by the game’s official first-week stats, so we’ll see if Blizzard decides to tinker with the formula moving forward.
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Hayley Andrews and Alex Tsiaoussidis
Druid male wearing antlers surrounded by angry wolves in Diablo 4.
Image via Blizzard Entertainment.
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