5 Best Resistance Band Pull Up Exercises For Your Home Gym
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    • Last updated August 20, 2023
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5 Best Resistance Band Pull Up Exercises For Your Home Gym

Posted By Damico Yang     August 20, 2023    


When it comes to it, there are many different viewpoints and approaches to consider, each with their own strengths and limitations pull ups with resistance bands.

Resistance band training is one of the most effective ways to tone your body and improve your overall fitness. With so many different exercises to choose from, it can be difficult to know which ones are best for you. This blog post will help you choose the best resistance band pull up exercises for your home gym. From beginner to advanced exercisers, these exercises will get your muscles working and toning in no time.

pull ups with resistance bands

How to use a resistance band

Resistance band pull ups are a great way to work your upper body and core. They are simple to do and can be done at home. Here are three easy resistance band pull up exercises you can try:

1. Band Cross Over: Start by placing the band around a sturdy post or railing, with one end resting on the ground and the other end hanging over the edge. Cross your arms in front of your chest, then let go of the band and pull yourself up until your arms are fully extended. Hold for two seconds, then lower yourself back down to the starting position.

2. Swiss Ball Cable Crunch: This exercise is similar to a triceps extension but uses a Swiss ball instead of an arm weight bench. Lie flat on your back with a Swiss ball placed between your ankles and press it towards your butt, then lift your torso off the floor so that your shoulders and Swiss ball are in line with each other. Keeping your core engaged, slowly lower your torso towards the Swiss ball until you reach full compression, then return to the starting position.

3. Resistance Band High Knees: Lie flat on your back with feet flat on ground and knees bent close to chest, grasping one end of band tightly in each hand while keeping hips pressed firmly against floor. Drive heels into ground as you curl upper body upward toward hands, maintaining tension on band throughout entire movement. Reverse direction and return to starting position without pause.

Resistance band exercises for your home gym

Resistance band exercises are a great way to work on your upper body strength and toning. They are also a great way to get your heart rate up and burn some calories. There are many different resistance band pull up exercises that you can do at home, so find one that works best for you.

One of the best resistance band pull up exercises is the one-legged pull up. Start by putting a resistance band around a sturdy post or beam in your home gym and loop it around your ankles. You can then place your hands on top of the band to help you balance as you lift your legs toward the ceiling. Hold yourself there for two seconds before lowering yourself back down to the starting position.

Another popular resistance band exercise is the chin up. To do this exercise, put a resistance band around a sturdy post or beam in your home gym and loop it around both of your wrists. From here, grab onto the middle of the band with both hands and lift your chin towards the ceiling. Keep your chest lifted and feel free to use either leg to help support yourself as you perform this exercise. Hold yourself there for two seconds before lowering yourself back down to start position.

If you’re looking for an upper body workout that doesn’t require any equipment, try using resistance bands as part of some floor exercises like pushups or basic crunches。


Resistance band pull up exercises are a great way to work your entire upper body, including your back, shoulders, and biceps. By using a resistance band and some simple techniques, you can create an intense workout that will not only help improve your strength but also tone your muscles. To complete the perfect resistance band pull up exercise routine at home, try one of these five exercises.

