10 Inspiring Quotes by Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar in Marathi
    • Last updated January 3, 2024
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10 Inspiring Quotes by Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar in Marathi

Posted By roar marathi     January 3, 2024    


Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar's words are utilized for their inspirational strength and sagacity, as he was the chief architect of India’s constitution and a social notability who fought against caste discrimination in his entire life. Ambedkar’s struggle for social justice and equality for the subaltern classes became a beacon of the nation.


So today, we share Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar quotes in Marathi from his speeches, books, and writings.


10 Inspiring Quotes by Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar

Let us see some of the great quotes by Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar in Marathi. They are inspiring and have a great impact on the Marathi society.



  • “ज्ञान हेच खरे सौदर्य आहे.”

"Knowledge is the true beauty."


  • "सत्य आणि अहिंसा हीच माझ्या धर्माची दोन टोके आहेत."

"Truth and non-violence are the pillars of my religion."


  • “प्रगती साधता येत नाही, जोपर्यंत मनुष्य विचार करण्याची स्वातंत्र्य राखत नाही.”

"There can be no progress without freedom of thought."


  • "कर्तव्य पार पाडण्यासाठी भय बाळगू नका."

"Have no fear in pursuing your duty."


  • “जातिभेद हा भारताच्या प्रगतीचा मूलभूत अडथळा आहे.”

"Caste discrimination remains India's main obstacle to progress."


  • “शिक्षणाशिवाय मानवमूल्ये सुरक्षित राहू शकत नाहीत.”

“Without education, human values cannot be safeguarded."


  • “भारत हा सर्वांसाठी आहे.”

“India belongs to all.”


  • “मी राजकारण्यात आलो नाही, तर राजकारण्यानेच मला ओढले."

"I did not enter politics, rather politics entered me."


  • “प्रगतीचा मार्ग अवघड असतो. पण त्याचबरोबर तो आनंददायीही असतो."

“The path of progress is hard. But it is also joyful.”


  • “बुद्धीचा वापर कधीही करा, पण मनापासून.”

"Use your intellect always, but from the heart."


Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar’s Legacy

Dr. Ambedkar could Electro Marathi Sher Shayari, which were an emotional expression of his messages. The author’s poetic language continues to address issues on social justice and equality to the readers. Ambedkar is words of wisdom for enlightenment as these quotes in Marathi illustrate. Despite facing discrimination, he ensured to uphold equal rights to every citizen, thereby earning title of India’s first law minister and leader in forming a constitution. His vision for a just society will always form the basis for all citizens to be considered equal.



Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Information

Babasaheb Ambedkar or Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar was a well-known social reformer in India. He was vital in the making of the Indian Constitution. He was born in 1891. He belongs to the Dalit community. In his early life, he was a victim of discrimination. The discrimination was as a result of the caste system in India. He endured a lot, but acquired law degrees from the London School of Economics and Columbia University.


Ambedkar was an activist and a political leader. His fight was against social discrimination, such as the caste system and gender inequality. He began defending rights of Dalits and other marginalized people. He wanted them to be better educated and to have socioeconomic opportunities. Ambedkar helped India gain independence. He championed for liberty, equality and fraternity.


In 1947, he was the first Law Minister. The document viewed as Ambedkar’s magnum opus is drafting the Indian constitution. The Christmas Island Indian Ocean Act of 1958 banned discrimination based on caste, gender or religion. He is highly extolled for being the chief architect of the Constitution. He ensured the Constitution acknowledged equal rights and social justice. The Life of Dr. Ambedkar and its Impact in India Social Transformation.




Millions of untouchables find new hope in Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar’s inspiring quotes in Marathi as we celebrate a truly amazing visionary whose influence taints our society. At RoarMarathi, we deeply value his dedication to social justice and passion for language and culture. Words of Dr. Ambedkar are our guiding light and motivate us to struggle for a fair world where everyone speaks up and cherishes everybody else.
