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This voiceover text to sound convertor has a bunch of benefits that will knock the socks right out of you. First, you can save money because it costs lessthan what it can cost to make a video sales letter. That amounts to a hefty sum of $500 to add a voiceover. Another benefit is that the Voicely helps increase your sales by encouraging the audience to take prompt action after watching the video. Through this software you can target new markets, or localize your video using a native-language voiceover, or use social media to advertise your video. Let’s have a look at the features Voicely has to offer.
Voicely has a wide range of customization options
There’s no need to hire a voiceover professional on short notice. That you do for videos where you want to show someone talking in front of the camera. What about videos that are animated or instructional videos or podcasts, and many similar types? Well, an automated text to sound convertor can do the trick, save your time and money.
Let’s look at some of the features available:
Tips to use this text to sound convertor
Once you buy the Voicely application, you can use it on your desktop by installing the program. After this step, you begin making your video:
Step 1:Open the program and start using it by entering your desired text within the box that says, ‘paste your text here’.
Step 2: Choose voiceover options that suit the objective of your video, be it a female or male voice.
Step 3: Examine the voiceover selected by clicking on the ‘Generate TTS’ button.
Step 4: Customize the pitch, volume, speed, and other features.
Step 5: Once you are done, you can export the final voiceover by clicking on the ‘Create Sound’ button.
With this remarkable AI-powered tool, you can make video sales letters, educational videos, marketing videos, animated videos, and audio books, among other types.
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