There is a lady I know who was having daily meetings with
Dream Life Mastery Review her spirit mentors and guides. They would assist her to know where she was at and assist in how to move forward. You too can have access to the spirit world. Get the mentors you need and move forward through the unknown and come out into the known. Being accountable for yourself enables you to ask and get the help.
David Donahoo is an Angel Intuitive, Master Practitioner in NLP and Clinical Hypnotherapist. He teaches how to access to the resources available in the Spirit World so you can gain help in achieving what you want in your life.Communicating with God is the only path to peace with God.You and I are creatures that somehow need to know that God is happy with us.Humans are just wired that way it seems.
The Bible even speaks of people sacrificing their own children to their God.So here we are in the 21st Century and we still have the same problem - how do we find peace with God?We struggle with this, living our lives in all sorts of different ways, trying this or that, one church or another or 400 different ones. We donate to charities, give at the office, give at church, give time to other programs and still often feel there's more to be done.