What If What You Thought Was TE Really Isn't?: Everyone
Rescue Hair 911 Review wants to believe that they have shedding which is going to resolve on it's own. And luckily, this is the case for a lot of folks. But sometimes, what you or your specialist think and hope is effluvium turns out to be something else. Common culprits are things like AGA (androgenic alopecia,) autoimmune issues like AA, and/or infections, bacteria, yeast or other dermatological issues.
By far, the most likely of these culprits is AGA. But when I tell people this, they will often say things like "but that's impossible. I don't have any family history of thinning or baldness. My hair is never greasy and I don't have issues with my scalp." Honestly, none of these things are required. Many people have AGA without any family history.
Sometimes, people will tell me that they haven't had anything else that they can see wrong with them other than their hair falling out. And this is why they assumed they were dealing with TE. I understand this as well. But, if you've been shedding for far longer than you should, it might make sense to dig a little deeper.