I look back down the trail, like I'm looking into my past,
Dream Life Mastery Review and realize that I could turn around. I could travel back to the truck and give up, not making it to my goal, but there is something about a mountain that makes a man ask himself, "Do I have what it takes?" Every man hears this question.
So, I start walking up the trail toward my destination and with each step I answer my question. Each step I am proving that I have what it takes. Every time my boot hits the trail I conquer certain negative perceptions of myself. I am getting closer to the top. I am learning more about myself. I find my innermost being in a state of gratitude. I start whistling the same song the birds have been singing all along.
I reach six thousand feet in elevation and the scenery starts to change. The temperature becomes colder and the sound of the wind becomes the noise that subdues my mind. I am in a cloud. So far from where I have come from, but only a days hike from where I have been. How could so much have changed.