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The Barossa Valley by the late 1800s was a thriving wine region and excelled in making fortified wine. Exports to the British market grew particularly popular during this time.
If we take a trip back in time we can imagine that the first sparkling wines were a product of chance (like the great discoveries in history).
Nestled in the Sierra Foothills of Northern California, the El Dorado AVA encompasses a diverse range of microclimates and elevations, making it a viticultural paradise.
Amongst the shadows of the Alps, this region beckons with a promise of vinous treasures that encapsulate the heart and soul of Italy's winemaking heritage.
Tannins originate from the grape's journey from vine to bottle. During the winemaking process, when the grapes are crushed and fermented, the skins, seeds, and stems come into contact with the juice.
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