Try defining 'orange'. They do that in philosophy classes.Believe
Soul Manifestation Review and have faith and use your faith. Never mind trying to define it too carefully and fully or even trying to explain it to people. Tell them about Jesus and what Jesus Christ has done and can do. You can never argue anyone into faith.
Faith is not contrary to reason but it goes beyond reason. That is why people with faith appear dogmatic. They appear sure of themselves, but in reality they are sure of God. Faith is as old as the first family.Most of the big themes of the Bible cannot be defined. It is challenging to define healing and the fruit of the Spirit and the gifts of the Spirit. They cannot be explained. They have to be used. They are for use and for using and for ministry, but, we cannot put them into a systematic theology.
We cannot put our living God in a box, and limit Him to that box.He will not be limited. He pops up and jumps out, and does things we thought He would never do.The Bible does define faith, but faith must be accompanied by actions and obedience.