Each pair of characters, every group of
runescape gold was amazing. We had a character. The orbit was left by my sides. We had a cleric, a bard and a sorlock hitting a girl at the same moment. Plot twist, sorlock was the closest (at the time however, he gave up her, gnome cleric afterwards stepped his game up) because he had a much better pickup line. That means, you don't get an autosuccess since a higher number wrapped. You gotta work for it.
Every decision we made had symbolizing consequences. Especially the NPC's we have involved. We went to a beacon of trust from specs of dust in an old hags prophecy. Anyway I had my rant. I hope the novel that I wrote helps to know precisely how much RuneScape means to a bunch of wack-a-doodles such as us. My dude, you produced a masterpiece.
That is fantastic! I believed RS could make a fantastic feeling, but'm not an experienced DM, and also the other individuals in my group don't play. I recently settled for constructing a character slightly based in my RuneScape personality, but using the whole planet be rs based would be incredible! Thank you for the link to your content-if I do choose to try my hands in DMing Geilinor, that should make things far more doable. I have DM'ed nearly exclusively for those that are not RS players (simply because I didn't particularly find out them when searching for players). It's definitely possible to perform people who are not acquainted with it.
A lot of people in this thread aren't understanding the issue. Ping isn't the issue here, it's the fact that after a planet gets over 300 inhabitants the responsiveness of RuneScape deteriorates to the point where many aspects of RuneScape are unnecessary difficult and not fun. It's not unique to Aus, US, EU servers. This is all over the world noticed by players - it is why pvmers are utilizing servers. Because back in the afternoon, the servers have been set up to handle individuals for each world. Since rs's people has shrunk so much through time, they have turned down each host's capabilities to conserve resources I am sure. That the people is growing again, they are gonna have to scale.
I highly doubt that. Much more probable is that back when the maximum player count was originally determined the scripts working on the servers were much simpler and did not take a great deal of time to operate, but through the years, the sophistication has increased but they have not updated their backend architecture to actually be able to run all of the server scripts fast enough to handle the exact same quantity of player count anymore. It's probably only the complexity to
buy rs gold of the scripts being conducted on the servers now that causes it to slow down once there's a lot of people all needing server time to run those scripts.